A House of Cards


A House of Cards


Looking back over the past 40 years or so; we have totally wrecked the joint called Australia.All the cracks are starting to show. Unbridled Capitalism has destroyed us socially, environmentally and politically. No one person is worth some outrageous salary’s, dividends and payouts some CEO’s earn. A form of Orwell’s 1984 is here right now. And we have had zero planning with regards to the social outcomes of immigration. The population growth was and is all about GDP. Keeping the wheels ticking over for the Capitalist’s. Offshoring, Outsourcing and Privatisation has been part of our undoing also. And we used to adhere to a form of integration years ago. I know that was sometimes seen as a little harsh though trusting accountants and bean counters on all your countries solutions is recipe of what we have now. Fix society and the economy will take care of itself. And tourism isn’t a business; it’s by-product or a bonus. And to the young ones; the Baby Boomers have had it the best. Some have now added a little French Chateau to their property portfolios so they can escape the very harsh Australian winters. Equity in property; is the only game in town now. Don’t by into their criticism that you are lazy or can’t do the hard work. We are living in a parallel universe. Some are waving with a smile of course and some of you are drowning.