Who Will Be The Maestro ? 

About 6 months ago Donald Trump stated that he was going to debate Joe Biden and make sure he stands for the whole time. Donald; already knew something about Joe! Maybe; Joe would be more comfortable sitting in a chair for the next debate? I don’t see any harm in that. Though; maybe not in a rocking chair; Ala George Costanza and The Security Guard episode, The Maestro. And, it could be interesting if before the debate if they could each sit for their most appropriate individual tests. A Cognitive test for Joe and a The HARE test for The Donald

Up to $2000 Reward 

 I have been broken into too many times. Had most of my computers data and external Hardrives completely  wiped. Also had my old Iphone 5S stolen with all my ideas, songs on it. If you know anything contact me at  egalitarianman@protonmail.com. If you really have good evidence Ill give you $2000 not so good I give you less.

or Phone 0468 435 219


No Nu or Clear Solutions 

A couple of decades ago a US Puppet told us that Iraq had “Weapons of Mass Destruction”. And experts told us they didn’t. And people keeping a keen eye and ear on the news believed the experts and they were proved right. Now, we have the same old try-hards pushing to have Nuclear Energy in Australia. Sane people would get on board to make sure that every structure across the land had Solar Panels on it. Imagine if we were all on the same page in this country on this. We could move mountains. But here we go again with the Hatfields vrs McCoys. Black vrs white. The same type of puppets are back again pushing the same old barrow for Big Business or the wealthy one percenters. And The Right are suggesting that the people pay for it. That’s one incredible and clever ruse. They’ll make sure that private builds it. And private will buy it out when the public gets in trouble or when it’s politically convenient down the track. There were no weapons of Mass Destruction. And there is “No Solutions in Nuclear Energy”.


House Broken Into Again -- Thief is an EMINEN Fan. Big Reward 

My House Broken was Into Again stole my iphone came in through the roof 

Big   Big  Big  Cash  Reward       

                                         I Think the Thief is a Big rapper  EMINEM  Fan 


Have you heard the story about the person who had so many precious possessions that they locked them away in a room? To ensure no one touched them, they put a notice on the door warning people not to enter without permission. Then, they went out for a long walk. When they returned, they saw the notice and, since no one was around to give them permission, the door stayed closed to them and those priceless objects remained hidden from their view. Don’t be restricted by a rule you’ve invented today. You’re free to break it.



I read this Horoscope reading today for Capricorn. I wonder what the writer is suggesting here ??????. Is it a break- in or a break through. They say a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. So too is motivation; so beware of the narrative. One must be careful as to what one reads these days. Some sponges take things literally. So it pays the read things very carefully. So on a reread I am sure the writer only has a truly positive good will message for all Capricorns.


Computers/News at Medicare/ Centrelink  

I visited a Centrelink/ Medicare office a few days ago and used their computers to catch up on the news while I waited to see someone . Though all I could get was the Herald Sun and The Australian newspaper  outlets and couldn't get The Guardian or The Age newpaper platforms. Surely it was an aberration.

Help Wanted Reward 

Wanted. Someone to help me find the listening devices and recording cameras hidden in my home. Also, I will pay 

Cash or some sort of reward to find out how they are doing this and who is doing this.

Contact me at egalitarianman@protonmail.com

Big Brother is Here! 


Big Brother is here in another guise. Big Brother is Multi National Companies or Large Corporations. It’s The Macdonaldization or the Multli Level Marketing cancer that kills off humanity. Like the slow eventual boiling of a frog in a pot of cold water under a flame; we see the results far too late. By then the people shrug their shoulders and say “that’s just the way it is mate”. They except it like many except formalised religion. Basically they are accepting money/power over sense. I remember once remonstrating with a work colleague that he stop wearing the free Tee Shirt he was given by the large company we worked for. He really just hadn’t thought about it. Many of these companies will take your soul.. And like the poor old boiling frog the many see it; all too late. Before too long they will be indoctrinated by the companies ideology. Again a bit like religion or power it will eventually win.That is why Narcissist’s do so well in these conditions. For they have zero empathy and they are happy to follow the companies line. Whatever that maybe. I believe that one in every four people is a Narcissist. So in that knowledge we must assume that not all people can not be trusted to do the fair thing. Some staff abuse the public's privacy. ie Telco's,  Banks, Supermarkets, Franchises etc; and many other types of companies . The Multi Level Marketing Concept has always been about exploiting the worst side of human nature. As John Lennon’s eloquent lyrics say in his song “Working Class Hero”. “There’s Room at Top They are telling you still”. “But first must learn how to smile as you kill; “if you want to be like the folks on the hill.”. Power can manipulate any whim to achieve an outcome. That’s why the world needs strong hard-line regulations for companies and businesses. Especially now with AI and all the technological devices. Now, you really need to do a 3 year technology degree to fully understand Computer Technology. And by that time you will probably have to do another course to understand the new technology coming out. And never before have we seen such a match made in Hell with Capitalism and technology and Artificial Intelligence. Companies probably have a 100 year forecast plans. Huston! we already have a big problem now! Personally I'd prefer stand alone apps and; that I have full control of a device without the internet doing the changes on my laptop and collecting data. Here’s the thing I’'d pay an extra $500 for a  computer that does this. I know this would sound crazy at a Geeks Fondue Pyjama Party. Have they not watched Midnight Express. And with the fact we have all this new clandestine recording equipment and spy- cameras and tracking devises available to us; there are many Big Brothers watching us. And for some time I have been worried about my last colonoscopy. Something I used to joke about. Though there was a last minute replacement by a surgeon called Doctor Christian Szell. Mmmm.



 Music Observations


My favourite singer song writers are Billy Joel, Sisto Rodriguez and Sting. 

My favourite Australian Jazz Musicians are Bernie McGann, Vince Jones and Smacka Fitzgibbon.

My favourite female singer songwriters are Carol King,Beth Nielsen Chapman and Nina Simone.

My favourite all time male singers are Dean Martin,George Michael and Donny Hathaway

My favourite all time female singers are Ella Fitzgerald,Anita Baker and Julie London

My favourite Rock Bands Santana,Bad Company,The Little River Band, before they sold their rights.


Best Jazz Musicians I have played with and their Instrument.

Best Double Bass Players would have to be Adam Spiegl and

 for Electric Bass it's the Master; Senor Jorge Alberquerque. 

And for the best Jazz Guitarist; it's an odd choice because this 

guy mainly plays Reggae though when I played with him and 

when he was on song there was no one better than Steven Silk.

And Kosta Glouzman is a creative genius on the piano.

                  Phil Hayter; I would rate very highly on the Alto Sax.

And for the best Piano Accompaniment player I performed with was Agus Batara.If I had to choose one. Though I have performed with many great Accompanists as previously mentioned.